Users management/authorization

Unavailable for Standard Users #

Strandard users with default authorization don’t have access to the “Users and entities” page and cannot create nor edit users.

For Users management, Go to Settings ⇒ Users and entities, and click on the Users button, there you’ll see the list of users.

Create a user #

Click on the “create user” button, then on the new user popup you will be able to set up:

  •    – The first and last name
  •    – The email
  •    – The password (which you’ll need to confirm)
  •    – Choose the role of the user between standard user, administrator and super administrator
  •    – Choose the entity and the rights of the user (enabling a right with prerequisite will enable them).

After you are done setting up the user, click on save to confirm.

new users

Edit a user #

Click on the “view” button (the → in the view column), then on the edit user popup you will be able to update:

  •    – The first and last name
  •    – The email
  •    – The password (which you’ll need to confirm)
  •    – Choose the entity the user user is a part of
  •    – Change the user’s role and permissions.

After you are done updating the user, click on save to confirm.

If you wish to delete the user, in the popup click remove and confirm the action.


Edit User

User role’s default permission #


User (belongs to one or more entity) #

   – Visualisation
   – Control (start, stop)
   – Edit (create, edit, delete)
   – Visualisation
   – Control (start rule, enable rule)
   – Edit (create rule, edit rule, delete rule)
   – Restore (can restor vm or files)


Administrator (manage it’s own entity): #

   – Visualisation
   – Control (start, stop)
   – Edit (create, edit, delete)
   – Visualisation
   – Control (start rule, enable rule)
   – Edit (create rule, edit rule, delete rule)
   – Restore (can restor vm or files)
   – Visualisation
   – Reset password or OTP
   – Edit (create, edit, delete)


Super-administrator (full rights): #

   – Visualisation
   – Control (start, stop)
   – Edit (create, edit, delete)
   – Visualisation
   – Control (start rule, enable rule)
   – Edit (create rule, edit rule, delete rule)
   – Restore (can restor vm or files)
   – Visualisation
   – Reset password or OTP
   – Edit (create, edit, delete)
   – Assign user to entity
   – Visualisation
   – Edit (create, edit, delete)
   – Visualisation
   – Edit (create, edit, delete)
   – Visualisation
   – Edit (create, edit)
   – Modify SCALE connexion settings
   – Setup network access
   – Setup mail service
   – Setup licence
   – Product update