Backup Datastore Management

Super-administrator only #

With default authorization, no user or administator will be able to access the Backup and Datastore settings.

For Backup Datastore Management, Go to Settings ⇒ Backups and Datastores, there you’ll see the status report and 2 tabs : General settings and Datastore.

Setting the maximum number of concurrent tasks #

On the General settings tab, input the maximum number of concurrent backup tasks and press the “save settings” button to confirm the change.

gestion backup general settings

backup Datastore management #

To manage the datastore, you need to go into the Datastore tab, there you’ll see a catalog of all Datastores

backup datastore

Creating a Datastore #

Click on the “Add Datastore” button and on the New datastore popup input:

  •    – The Datastore name,
  •    – The Type of datastore you want to use between:
  •          1. NFS (better for Linux)
  •          2. CIFS (better for Windows)
  •    – The Storage location (input the path to the Datastore)
  •    – The Warning threshold in % (when the batastore is filled at this threshold, you will get a warning)
  •    – The Blocking threshold in % (when the batastore is filled at this threshold the process will be stopped).

After you are done, press save to confirm.

    New Datastore

    Modifying a Datastore #

    Click on the tool button in the Action column which will open the Edit datastore popup where you can modify:

    •    – The Datastore name,
    •    – The Type of datastore you want to use between:
    •          1. NFS (better for Linux)
    •          2. CIFS (better for Windows)
    •    – The Storage location (input the path to the Datastore)
    •    – The Warning threshold in % (when the batastore is filled at this threshold, you will get a warning)
    •    – The Blocking threshold in % (when the batastore is filled at this threshold the process will be stopped).

    After you are done, press save to confirm.